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Divine Mercy Ministry

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The Merciful Savior has given the world new channels for the outpouring of His Mercy. These channels include the Image of The Divine Mercy, the Feast of Divine Mercy (Divine Mercy Sunday), the Chaplet, the Novena to The Divine Mercy, and prayer at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the Hour of Great Mercy. These channels draw us back to the living Lord, who suffered and died on the Cross and whose Heart was pierced with a lance, pours forth His mercy on all mankind, and grants pardon to all who draw near and honor Him.  We are not only to receive the mercy of God, however,  but to use it by being merciful to others through our actions, our words, and our prayers; in other words, we are to practice the Corporal and Spiritual Works (Acts) of Mercy.  The Lord wants us to do these works of mercy, because even the strongest faith is of no use without works.  Jesus gives us three ways of exercising mercy toward our neighbor:  the first — by deed, the second — by word, the third — by prayer. In these three degrees is contained the fullness of mercy, and it is an unquestionable proof of love for God.  The Works of Mercy are:


Corporal Works


• Feed the hungry

• Give drink to the thirsty

• Clothe the naked

• Shelter the homeless

• Comfort the prisoners

• Visit the sick

• Bury the dead


Spiritual Works


• Teach the ignorant

• Pray for the living & dead

• Correct sinners

• Counsel those in doubt

• Console the sorrowful

• Bear wrongs patiently

• Forgive wrongs willingly


Ministry Work at St. Peter’s :


The Image of Divine Mercy was installed on Divine Mercy Sunday in the year 2009 for veneration by the faithful.  The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed at 10:45 AM each Sunday, before the 11 am Mass and at 12:45 pm,  before the 1 PM Spanish Mass.  The Divine Mercy Ministry also puts on several speaking presentations a year,  inviting speakers whose stories and works give witness to God’s great Mercy.  The Feast of Divine Mercy is celebrated each year at St. Peter’s, which is coordinated by this Ministry.   Members of this Ministry are also actively involved in works of Mercy, as highlighted above (corporal and spiritual works), through other ministries:  Respect for Life;  Rachel’s Vineyard.


For more information please call the office and leave a message for

Elodia Tarango.


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